Francesca Amorini Relationship Counselling in Petersfield

About Psychosynthesis. Oval

"We are dominated by everything with which our self is identified. We can dominate and control everything from which we dis-identify ourselves. The normal mistake we all make is to identify ourselves with some content of consciousness rather than with consciousness itself. Some people get their identity from their feelings, others from their thoughts, others from their social roles. But this identification with a part of the personality destroys the freedom which comes from the experience of the pure I." Roberto Assagioli

Psychosynthesis is an approach to psychology, developed by Roberto Assagioli, an enlightened psychotherapist, and a student of philosophical and spiritual traditions of both East and West.

In supporting the blossoming of human potential, Psychosynthesis, is concerned with self-realization and the harmonization of all elements of personality.

Its primary goal is to increase our sense of centre , to create balance in our lives by using our free will and our rich inner resources, and to help us realize that we are more than our difficulties and issues: we all are at core a valuable and worthwhile individuals.

That is why Psychosynthesis is considered a comprehensive approach for the development of human potential, and a psychology of hope, which provides useful techniques to reorient life in the direction of meaning and values.

For this reason, Psychosynthesis counselling is at first concerned with the most immediate objective of alleviating suffering, but its objective proceeds further by evoking the clients’ strengths and latent potential, in helping them express themselves meaningfully and becoming finally the creator of their own lives.

Through the counselling relationship, clients become invested with their own personal power and regain the hope and trust in life they may have lost because of difficulties and pains they encountered.

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